Thursday, March 5, 2009

Debt, Growth and Interest Rate

Warning: this is a model.

A note on the relationship of federal debt, GDP growth and interest rate.

The Formulas

1. In the long run, the steady debt to GDP ratio is


where Rdef is the rate of deficit (including interest payment) to GDP; g is the growth rate of GDP

2. In the long run, the ratio of deficit less interest to GDP is


where Rdef is the rate of deficit (including interest payment) to GDP; g is the growth rate of GDP; Rint is the interest rate.

What It Says

  • The beginning debt to GDP ratio doesn’t matter in the long run
  • If there’s GDP growth, debt to GDP ratio always stabilizes in the long run
  • The net deficit (i.e., deficit less interest payment) depends on whether interest rate exceeds GDP growth
    • If they equal, the net deficit is zero
    • if interest rate is higher than growth, the net deficit is negative, or federal spending would have to be less than tax revenue
  • The GDP growth rate here is nominal, so that inflation helps

An Example

Suppose the beginning Debt/GDP ratio is 80%, GDP growth 4%, interest rate 3%, deficit/GDP 2%:


Long-term Debt to GDP approaches 50%.


Net deficit would be 0.5% of GDP.

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